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Stellar SOUNDS of Summer

Below, find Summer Sounds gathered by Mikayla (crickets, birds), Emily (Mom and their new puppy),  Angelina (cat), and Jordan (hoops talk, crowd cheers).

  • 1:06

Podcaster Jordan researched, wrote, recorded and edited this cast about chimpanzees.

  • 4:51

  • 2:23

The STELLAR Stars worked together (and played multiple roles) for this production of "Design Lab Field Trip".

Type your paragraph here.

  • 0:49

  • 2:08

  • 9:48

Thank you for entrusting your children to us for our 2018 Podcasting Camp!   

It was a lot of fun building these podcasts below, and building camper literacy along the way.

Please listen to one or more of these podcasts created by our STELLAR podcasting stars.  

  • 2:00

Our very first group podcast:  The STELLAR Stars read "The Robodogs of Greenville!"

  • 1:19

Podcaster Kym researched, wrote, recorded, and edited this piece about sleep.