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Stellar SOUNDS of Summer
Below, find Summer Sounds gathered by Mikayla (crickets, birds), Emily (Mom and their new puppy), Angelina (cat), and Jordan (hoops talk, crowd cheers).
Podcaster Jordan researched, wrote, recorded and edited this cast about chimpanzees.
The STELLAR Stars worked together (and played multiple roles) for this production of "Design Lab Field Trip".
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Thank you for entrusting your children to us for our 2018 Podcasting Camp!
It was a lot of fun building these podcasts below, and building camper literacy along the way.
Please listen to one or more of these podcasts created by our STELLAR podcasting stars.
Our very first group podcast: The STELLAR Stars read "The Robodogs of Greenville!"
Podcaster Kym researched, wrote, recorded, and edited this piece about sleep.